Certification Path
Complete an
Online Interview

Draft Quality

Build Employee
Training Plans

Conduct Training

Record Suppliers
and Parts

Conduct Customer

Select a Registrar
Conduct Internal

Conduct Pre-
Assessment Audit

Conduct Final Audit
Industry Solutions
Tech Support
Automation Path

Once selected, your registrar will visit your facilities on a mutually agreed upon date to evaluate the compliance of your Quality Management System (QMS) with the requirements of the quality standard.

It is important to remember that all nonconformities discovered in any internal or pre-assessment audits need to be resolved prior to the arrival of the registrar for the final audit. The last thing you want is for the registrar to discover areas where you should have made resolutions already and have not done so.

During the course of the assessment, the registrar will notify you of any nonconformities they have observed. At the completion of the assessment, the registrar will advise you of their recommendation.

If only minor nonconformities have been noted, a recommendation for certification will usually be made. If major nonconformities have been noted, your company may have to submit corrective actions. Re-assessment of corrective actions is typically completed at the next regularly scheduled surveillance audit (e.g. up to six months later).

Step: 10 of 10

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